Reference Samples

Thin film XRF reference samples

Advantages of thin film XRF reference samples:

  • Absorption free standard: no matrix correction necessary
  • Substrate thickness of 200 nm permits transmission measurements and leads to low background from the substrate
  • Mass depositions in the range of ng/mm² (1-3 atomic layers) permit quantification without the need to interpolate from higher values
  • Uncertainty = 1 ng/mm² (1 atomic layer)
  • Wide selection of non-overlapping XRF lines, exact calibration curve with many points over a large energy range
  • Signal strength easily adjustable by thickness, similar intensity for all elements
  • High degree of uniformity & homogeneity (better than 1% for the full sample area)
  • Application for adjustment of confocal μ-XRF possible
  • Wide range of available elements (standard and tailored compilations)

Download: Reference sample prospectus (pdf)

AXO DRESDEN has been fabricating and selling the successful Thin Film XRF reference samples type "RF" for several years. As customers have been asking for different material compositions, we designed another type "RG" with focus on the energies between 4 keV and 9 keV which is now available.

Lateral homogeneity measured by XRF μ-beam mappings

Energy spectra of a 6-element reference sample

RF (top) and RG (bottom) measured with a lab

TXRF using Mo-K radiation (50 kV excitation).

The energy range is covered with peaks of

comparable intensity.

(Ga signal from the internal TXRF standard.)

X-ray fluorescence reference sample on a silicon nitride membrane.

PEEK sample holder and membrane dimensions: frame size 10x10 mm² or 5x5 mm², having a 5x5 mm² or 2x2 mm² usable coated membrane area.

SEM characterization materials

EDS-TM002 is a test material for the performance check of an X-ray spectrometer attached to a SEM developed in cooperation with BAM, Berlin, Germany.
It is fabricated as a compact material (size: 8×8×0.5 mm³).

EDS-TM002 can be purchased from the BAM webshop.

Photo of EDS-TM002 (left) and energy spectrum recorded with 10 kV (right).